Tuesday 17 April 2012

18 April is Independence Day Zimbabwe

Our Zimbabwe 

 The Green represents country's vegetation and land resources, the argricultural sector.
Corn, cotton, wheat, coffee, tea, sugarcane, tobacco, peanuts, forestry, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and dairy.

The Yellow represents the country's mineral wealth.
Coal, chromium ore, asbestos, gold, nickel, copper, iron ore, vanadium, lithium, tin and platinum group metals.

The Red represents the blood spilt during the armed liberation struggle.
The 'bush war' was fought for almost 15 years. Ian Smith's Rhodesian government fought liberation groups ZANU, under Robert Mugabe, and ZAPU, under Joshua Nkomo.

The Black represents the black majority.
The 'shona' people derived from Bantu speaking people who formed the Munhumutapa Empire which covered the Zimbabwe-Mozambique area in the 15th century. The 'ndebele' people are of the Nguni tribes in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Mzilikazi, a Zulu general under Chaka Zulu defected and fled, then attacked and defeated the Nguni and moved north and started GuBulawayo.

The Zimbabwe Bird is the National Emblem of Zimbabwe.

The White Triangle represents peace and honesty.

The Red Star stands for internationalism and reflects the ruling party's socialist credentials.

Happy Independence 

Proudly Zimbabwean 

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